Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2011
- Date
- : September 6-8, 2011
- Venue
Important Dates
- Registration for Presentation
- : April 25, 2011- May 23, 2011 (Deadline May 23, 2011)
- Abstract submission
- : June 6, 2011- July 4, 2011 (Deadline July 4, 2011)
- Registration for Participation
- : April 25, 2011- July 4, 2011 (Deadline July 4, 2011)
Flow of Registration
For Participation
- Regardless of making a presentation or not, All the participants are required to complete the registration via the on-line Registration form for Participation by July 4, 2011.
For Presentation
- Please go to Registration form for Presentation and complete the registration for presentation by May 23, 2011.
- Please submit your abstract(PDF) by July 4 2011.
- Please check "New Instructions for Authors" and Templete
*The participants who apply for presentation are also required to complete the registration
via the on-line Registration form for Participation.
Please transfer the total fee to the account below at Japan Post Bank or Post Office in Japan with postal remittance slip equipped.

If you cannot go to Japan Post Bank or Post Office in Japan, please contact to